Top Beauty Secret Revealed: Double Cleanse for Flawless Skin

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Having been a facial expert for over 20 years with a dedicated passion for helping people achieve happy, flawless and glowing skin, I’m frequently asked what my biggest skin secrets are. I have a lot of tricks up my plant alchemy sleeve, but believe me when I say my number one skincare ritual is a rather simple and obvious one when we stop and thinkRead Now

More Water, More Happiness

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“The fountain of youth [for me], let’s see…I guess it’s exercise, healthy diet, lots of water, lots of laughter, lots of sex—yes, sex, we need that as human beings. It’s healthy, it’s natural, it’s what we are here to do!” – Cameron Diaz In celebration of World Water Day this week, I wanted to explain why I’m water’s biggest fan. Cameron Diaz described water asRead Now

Eat Your Way to Happy Skin

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‘Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food’ As we celebrate nutrition month and the sheer importance of eating well, I wanted to tell you why I’m as passionate about what we put into our bodies as what we put onto our skin. Our skin is a reflection of our diet, so it’s super important to ensure we’re eating pretty. Here are a fewRead Now

Blue Monday – Beat the Monday Blues

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Beat the Monday Blues At Antonia Burrell Holistic Skincare, we encourage you to take charge of your own happiness. With bad moods and depression having a negative effect on our bodies and skin, it’s important to try and focus on the positive in your life and think about ways we can be grateful to help reduce feelings of stress and depression. Stress is most commonlyRead Now

What is a Skin Softener and Why Do I Need One?

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A skin conditioner (also known as a skin softener) is an essential step to deeply moisturised, flawless skin and at Antonia Burrell Holistic Skincare it’s our ultimate secret weapon! Find out why…. Forest Dew Skin Conditioner is quite simply my secret weapon to deeply hydrated, flawless skin. It’s a multi-tasking hero that solves a multitude of skin problems – from dehydration and dryness to inflammationRead Now

Slough Off the Old and Bring in the Smooth

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As minds, wardrobes and weather turn a new leaf and welcome autumn, don’t leave skin out in the cold.  Every new season comes with new environmental challenges, which is why we need to give skin a seasonal skin fix – think of it as its new season wardrobe. Here I share a few of my personal tips to help trans-seasonal skin needs. * MOISTURISE WHILE YOURead Now

Sun, Sea and Skin Saving Superfoods

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Now that summer’s here it’s time to load up on antioxidants. Why? Because the skin can be extra sensitive to damage caused by UV rays and become dry, distressed and lacklustre as a result. So we’ve rounded up our top superfoods and skin savers to keep you radiant and naturally nourished this summer. Our Top 3 Superfoods They say you are what you eat, andRead Now

Scarring on Skin

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A scar, quite simply, is a mark on the skin where a wound has healed. It’s highly probable that the majority of people have at least one scar (unless you’ve been swaddled in bubble wrap your whole life). A scar is made up of tissue bound together by healing hero, collagen. They are permanent, but they can fade significantly over 2 years, sometimes until theyRead Now

Eat Your Way to Healthier Skin & Help Protect from UV Damage

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Superfoods to prep your skin for summer As you probably know, but if you don’t, one of my mantras is beauty inside out and I believe that beauty is just as much about what we put into our body as what we put onto our body. After all, how can we expect to look great if we don’t feel great on the inside? You’ll be relieved to know that to get feeling super, you just needRead Now

Learn how to ‘Eat Pretty’ with Jolene Hart!

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Learn how to ‘Eat Pretty’ with Jolene Hart! As you may well know, I’m a huge advocate of eating for beauty inside out, which is exactly why I was thrilled to discover ‘Eat Pretty’… aka any health conscious beauty addict’s bible! Author Jolene Hart is in fact a former beauty editor for a well known lifestyle magazine, who struggled to clear her skin, despite openRead Now