Top 5 Ways to Love Your Skin

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Top 5 ways to love your skin Aside from using natural skincare products, there are lots of amazing ways we can help support our skin. Whether you suffer from premature ageing, blemishes and breakouts or dryness and dehydration, my tips below can help you on your journey to a clear, youthful complexion. Facial massage The fast pace of modern life can have a negative effectRead Now

Things I love…Warm Stuffed Pepper

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Things I love…Warm Stuffed Pepper Spinach is one of my favourite superfoods. This power plant is rich in iron which helps support  the function of our red blood cells. It’s also a great source of vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C and folic acid as well as being a good source of manganese, magnesium, iron and vitamin B2. I love mixing it with garlic toRead Now

5 Top Tips for the Perfect Cleanse

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‘What are you cleansing with?’ The first, and most important question I ask my facial clients. Cleansing is the foundation to our skincare routine, and the most important step in our beauty regimen. The perfect cleansing method could change the way you look at skincare altogether, so here are my top tips… Always double cleanse Your first cleanse is primarily for ‘taking off the day’; removingRead Now

Tender Loving Skincare This winter

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Tender loving skincare this winter The colder months are well known for wreaking havoc on our complexion, from dry, flakey skin, to chapped hands and lips. I’m sharing my top tips for caring for your skin throughout winter – read on to discover how you can maintain a glowing complexion throughout the rest of the season. Hydration, hydration, hydration Contrary to common belief, the weatherRead Now

7 Top Skincare Tips For Complexion Perfection

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Keep it Simple! Keep your skincare routine simple. Don’t overload on products. And when you do add a new product, do it gradually so your skin has time to adjust. Each skincare or makeup product has an average of 20 to 40 ingredients so you are introducing 20 to 40 potential allergens to your face every time you try something new. Don’t overcomplicate things asRead Now

Dehydrated Skin

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Many of my clients that visit me for the first time and some of the people I speak to at press and industry events tell me that they do drink the required 1 – 2 litres of water per day, but their skin still feels dry, tight and sometimes flaky, which many find frustrating. As a skincare expert I consistently reinforce the importance of drinking water to promote beautiful skin outside and also ensureRead Now

Topical Antioxidants – Defend, Repair and Protect Your Skin

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Topical antioxidants play an important role in your skincare routine and they repair past damage, help to prevent future damage, promotes healthy ageing,  help to fight the visible signs of accelerated ageing, and offer a sophisticated army of protection for your skin, that neutralise free radicals and therefore reduces oxidative stress. The result – premature ageing and ageing process slows down! The outcome – the skinRead Now

Diary of A Frustrated Epidermis

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Laura G; Diary of a Frustrated Epidermis. Dear Diary I should start with my skin issues I think, so you have a background to my seemingly endless search for ‘acceptable’ skin. (I gave up years ago tying to obtain ‘Perfect Skin’, for me this is about as obtainable as looking sexy wearing Oven Gloves) Are you sitting comfortably? Because I need you to understand what my poor Skin has to endure. Life for my skinRead Now

Oxidative Stress and Your Skin

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The ‘Dark Side’ of Oxygen.. Oxidative stress is a major cause of skin ageing, skin inflammation, skin allergies, skin problems and is an outward manifestation of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress (OS) occurs when the available supply of the body’s antioxidants is insufficient to handle and neutralize free radicals of different types. As the outermost barrier seperating internal tissue from the environment, THE SKIN is regularlyRead Now

There is a Secret to Skin Perfection… the Key is Exfoliation.

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The correct type of exfoliation can lead to visibly brighter and healthier-younger looking skin. The incorrect type of exfoliation can damage, irritate and lead to sensitivity. Read on for my tips and hit “like” & “share” if you enjoyed what you read. The process of exfoliation is all about removing dead skin cells from the surface of the epidermis. By removing these dead cells, exfoliationRead Now